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Barney Bellinger is a self-taught artist and designer who's passionate relationship with the Adirondack wilderness has influenced and inspired his extraordinary body-of- work throughout the last 25 years. Bushwhacking the backwoods, forging for mushrooms and fly fishing the streams, Barney's life is framed with vintage bamboo fly rods and furniture transformed from twist of burl. He creates intricate designs that require a mastery of bespoke artisanal effects and hand-craftsmanship. His work represents an uncompromising commitment to vintage, industrial and abstract rustic form. Barney uses his artistic voice to raise awareness and respect for our fragile environment and wildlife. Nature provides the basis for understanding Barney's vision and its influence on his life. He says, “I do not paint to please critics, but rather to record my travels. Painting for me is a privilege.”

Mr. Bellinger has been exhibited at the National Museum of Wildlife Art, the Adirondack Museum and appears in the permanent collections of the Orvis Company and the Smithsonian Institution. His work is also widely sought after and collected privately. 

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